Modern biomedicine has discovered that many of the most debilitating diseases, as well as the aging process itself, are caused by or associated with chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. Emerging research has revealed that direct physical contact with the surface of the planet generates a kind of electric nutrition, with surprisingly potent and rapid anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Biological Grounding, also known as Earthing, refers to a physical connection that takes place between the electrical frequencies of the human body and those of the earth. This practice involves walking barefoot outdoors, physical contact with water or using indoor grounding systems while sleeping or sitting.
Just like the sun constantly provides us with important energy, nutrients and vitamins, the earth too is a source of subtle energy that provides important elements that contribute to optimum health.
Although earthing can positively impact the mind, this practice differs from the practice known as “grounding” used in mental health treatment, as earthing research also suggests reduced pain, stress, and inflammation besides an improvement of overall mental well-being. This technique seems to restore the natural connection between the body and the electrical currents of the earth.
History of Earthing
Throughout history, Indigenous societies have espoused the Earth’s healing power benefits and described it in varying ways. For example, in Chinese medicine, the ancient philosopher Ge Hong said about Qi (pronounced “chee”) defined as the vital energy that fills the universe, which “People reside in qi, and qi resides in people”.
This belief and study of the earth’s natural energies can also be found in 19th century Europe, in publications such as The New Science of Healing (Louis Kuhne, 1891) and Back to Nature (Adolf Just, 1896), which encouraged people to start walking barefoot outdoors.
A few decades later, George Starr White, an American medical doctor, began investigating the use of sleeping while grounded—connected to copper wires affixed to home pipes—to improve the quality of sleep.
The modern scientific community insists on supporting the ability of the Earth’s electrons to balance our body’s electrical current, and earthing continues to spread and attract interest as people seek simple, inexpensive ways to heal themselves.

Do you remember the last time you walked barefoot on the beach, through the grass or in the bush and simply reconnected with the Earth? How good did it feel?
- Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Sinatra D. Electric nutrition: the surprising health and healing benefits of biological grounding (Earthing).
- Kuhne L. The New Science of Healing. Mokelumne Hill Pr; 1993.
- Just A. Return to Nature! The True Natural Method of Healing and Living and the True Salvation of the Soul. New York, B. Lust; 1903.